3 Effective Leadership Strategies You Need to Master

How Planning, Communication, and Execution Can Transform Your Leadership

If there’s one topic that has dominated my thoughts and career for the past 30+ years, it’s effective leadership strategies. Leadership isn’t just what I do—it’s who I am. I have spent more than three decades exploring, understanding, and practicing leadership in various capacities, including roles as a leader, manager, and supervisor, as well as running my own business for the last 36 years.

Not long ago, an individual approached me for some leadership training. Although we couldn’t arrange the training session, it led me to share three effective leadership strategies that every leader should master to perform better and get better results. Today, I want to extend that same advice to you. So, whether you’re formally trained or not, consider these three actions as your roadmap to better leadership: Plan, Communicate, Execute. Let’s dive deeper into each of these critical elements.

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The Importance of Planning

The first key action is to plan. Planning is an element often underestimated by many aspiring leaders. They might think they can navigate through responsibilities by “shooting from the hip” without a concrete plan. Let me assure you, planning is indispensable for achieving long-term goals and setting clear objectives. A leader without a plan is not leading—they are merely reacting, which often results in confusion and inefficiency.

When I discuss planning, it’s essential to differentiate between two types: strategic planning and functional planning.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning involves long-term planning. It’s the roadmap for your organizational goals and vision. Strategic planning asks the big questions: Why are we doing what we’re doing? Where do we want to be in the future? What are the possible obstacles and opportunities ahead? This kind of planning is fundamental for setting the direction and purpose of your leadership.

Functional Planning

On the other hand, functional planning is more immediate. It’s about today’s actions that will bring us closer to our strategic goals. Functional planning answers the questions: What are we doing today? How are today’s actions aligned with our future plans? This kind of planning ensures that your day-to-day tasks are not just time-fillers but are meaningful steps toward your bigger objectives.

Incorporating both types of planning into your leadership ensures that you are not just setting ambitious goals but are also taking the necessary steps to achieve them daily. Planning bridges the gap between vision and action, transforming abstract ideas into achievable milestones.

The Power of Communication

The second of these effective leadership strategies is communication. Now, this isn’t rocket science—you’ve heard it before, and I’m here to stress it again because it’s vital. Communication is the lifeline of leadership. Without it, even the best-laid plans can fall apart.

Poor communication is a prevalent issue among leaders. You could be a horrible communicator in two ways: either by not communicating at all, keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself, or by communicating poorly when you do try. Let’s break down these two mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Silent Leaders

If you’re keeping all your thoughts and strategies to yourself, you’re not leading—you’re withholding information. Your team is left guessing what you are thinking, which leads to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations. Effective leaders share their plans and visions, providing their team with a clear direction and purpose.

Poor Communicators

Attempting to communicate but doing it poorly can be just as detrimental. Speaking without clarity, failing to get your message across, or not listening to feedback creates an atmosphere of confusion and frustration. Effective communication is reciprocal. It’s not just about what comes out of your mouth but also about what goes into your ears. Listening is a critical component of communication that is often overlooked.

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Methods of Effective Communication

Effective communication involves various methods. Here are a few strategies:

  1. Clarity and Consistency:
    Ensure your messages are clear and consistent. Repetition and reinforcement can help ingrain the key points.
  2. Open Channels:
    Create an environment where feedback and dialogue are encouraged. Encourage your team to share their thoughts and concerns.
  3. Active Listening:
    Show that you value input from others by listening actively. This creates a sense of trust and collaboration.
  4. Transparency:
    Be honest and transparent about your plans, intentions, and decisions. This builds trust and fosters a culture of openness.

By prioritizing communication, you build a bridge between your plans and your team. Everyone knows what is expected, what the goals are, and how they fit into the bigger picture.

The Necessity of Execution

The third key action is execution. It’s not enough to have a brilliant plan and communicate it effectively; you must also take decisive action. Execution is where the rubber meets the road. Without execution, all your planning and communication are futile.

Defining Leadership through Execution

Allow me to share my definition of leadership, which boils down to two core components: The ability to offer service and the willingness to take action. Leadership is not about titles or positions; it’s about serving others and taking decisive action.

Offering Service

The ability to offer service means doing something proactive for someone else. It springs from empathy and understanding the needs of those you lead. Offering service can be intertwined with your plans and communication. When you plan, consider how you can serve your team. When you communicate, include how you can support them.

Taking Action

The willingness to take action is the execution part. It’s about following through with your plans and commitments. Many people talk about what they’re going to do—they plan and communicate their intentions but fail to execute. Effective leaders are defined by their actions, not just their words.

Tools for Effective Execution

  1. Prioritization:
    Determine which tasks or actions are most critical to achieving your goals and focus on them.
  2. Delegation:
    Leverage the strengths of your team by delegating tasks appropriately. This not only empowers your team but also ensures tasks are handled efficiently.
  3. Consistency:
    Be consistent in your actions. Consistency builds trust and reliability.
  4. Follow-Up:
    Check on the progress of activities and provide support where needed. This shows that you are committed to seeing things through.

Linking 3 Effective Leadership Strategies Together

Now, let’s tie these 3 effective leadership strategies together. If you plan effectively, communicate clearly, and execute diligently, you create a foundation for successful leadership. It’s a continuous cycle where each element supports and enhances the other.

  1. Planning
    sets the stage for your vision and provides a structured approach to achieving goals.
  2. Communication
    ensures that everyone understands the plan and is on the same page.
  3. Execution
    turns plans into reality, proving that leadership is as much about action as it is about intention.

Regardless of the industry, these principles remain the same. Leaders must lead, and the most effective leaders are those who plan, communicate, and execute with dedication and precision.

Remember, effective leadership is not about an unattainable ideal—it’s about mastering effective leadership strategies and applying them consistently. Invest in planning, commit to open and effective communication, and prioritize execution. Your team, your organization, and your personal leadership journey will reap the benefits.

Dig into these resources for even more insights on mastering these effective leadership strategies.

“Improve Team Performance With These 6 Leadership Strategies”

“Top 10 Leadership Strategies”

“10 Effective Team Building Strategies For Leaders 2024”

“8 Leadership Strategies to Create a High Performing Team”

Phillip Van Hooser

Phillip Van Hooser, CSP, CPAE, Founder & Chair, Van Hooser Leadership. A seasoned leadership expert, keynote speaker, and author, Phillip Van Hooser is passionate about developing intentional leaders who can effectively engage and empower their employees to deliver powerful results. His most recent book is “Earning The Right To Be Heard," a primer for creating greater influence and opportunities. Connect with Phil on LinkedIn.


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